Lenten Series on the Catechism

Lenten Series on the Catechism
3rd Chief Part- The Our Father
When you pray, say…

Our Lenten services of preparation and repentance this year will follow with these themes drawn from the 3rd Chief Part of the Catechism.  Our order of service for the Lent Services will be Vespers, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

February 17th               Ash Wednesday                       Our Father, Who Art In Heaven
                                                Imposition of Ashes and Divine Service with Holy Communion
February 24th               Lent 1                                      Hallowed Be Thy Name
March 3rd                     Lent 2                                      Thy Kingdom Come
March 10th                   Lent 3                                      Thy Will Be Done
March 17th                   Lent 4                                      Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
March 24th                   Lent 5                                      Forgive Us Our Trespasses
April 1st                        Maundy Thursday                     Lead Us Not Into Temptation
                                    Divine Service with Holy Communion and the Stripping of the Altar
April 2nd                       Good Friday                             Deliver Us From Evil
                                                Tenebrae Service
April 4th                        Easter                                       Amen! Death Destroyed

Please join us for our Lenten meals and fellowship at 5:30 p.m.  Then be nourished by God’s Holy Word as we focus on When You Pray Say….   May the Lord bless your Lenten journey this year.